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How to say no to someone?

If you want to know how to say no and get rid of self- collection and self - judgment, I invite you to continue reading this article.  It is clear that helping others and pleasing those we love is important and valid, however, it is no longer healthy when it leads us to act against our goals and what we believe is right. For all this, it is very important to know how to say no with tranquility and without taboos , after all, when someone makes a request to you, there is always the option to accept or reject and this can perfectly be done in a polite way, without creating intrigue or enmity.  "When you say yes to others, make sure you do not say no to yourself." - Paulo Coelho  Why to Say No? Before learning how to say no it is also important to know why you should be saying no to people. When we always respond favorably to the needs and demands of everyone, we NEGLECT and FORGET what is important for US. Let me just simplify this by providing just the key points When we wan

COOL is Just A Matter of OPINION.

I was in 9th grade when someone first time said," Kanav, your life is so cool, you are such a cool guy". As flattered as I was I asked, " Why, do you feel I am cool?" and they said that, "everyone is your friend, you party every weekend and you make everyone around you laugh." I laughed past it and said, " I didn't do all this because I think it would be cool, but because I like it." 

Has anyone ever referred you as "cool' or did you ever look at someone and think that, "wow, they are so cool." I never really understood what being cool is or why people refer someone as "cool". Why can't just everyone be normal? It's just a matter of opinion, isn't it?

" NORMAL is an illusion. What is normal to a spider is chaos to a fly." - Morticia Williams

Normalcy is purely SUBJECTIVE, what’s normal for an ant eater is living hell for an ant. 
Normalcy is defined by whatever one is used to, normalcy is the human brain trying to find a pattern in everyday life. Normalcy is different for everyone.

normal, different, change, weird

COOLNES IS A DERIVATIVE OF NORMALCY that is perceived as a trait that small selections of people from a large group have. So coolness is also different for everyone depending on the group that you conform to? 

People used to think greasy hair and leather jackets were cool, how is that different to people today thinking that bomber jackets and brand name clothing is cool? 

Which is why I don’t get why some people insult other people based off of the fact that they are NORMIES,  when they themselves are also conforming to a group, albeit a different one. 

What is the definition for COOL? 

COOL IS A LOST WORD. In the world of a billion people and a billion professions, “cool” has lost itself. For a guy with a Volkswagen, someone with a convertible would be “cool”. For someone with braces and full frame spectacles, a 6′3″ dude with Chris Hemsworth triceps would be cool. For someone living a closed life, someone with 200 friends dying to wish him birthday at 12 AM may be cool. Or maybe for someone with wired headphones, a dude with Air pods would be cool. 

This WORLD CHANGES ITS "COOL" SO FREQUENTLY that honestly, it isn't cool anymore. Yesterday, you had that Walmart Yodeling kid trending on your “cool” news feed and today you found those stupid Fortnight dances. No offence, I find that “Orange Shirt Kid” dance moves pretty dope. 

cool, definition, meaning, lost

Coming back to the original question, “Cool” for the world is something which gives you a sense of identity among peers. I personally believe that people suffering from inferiority complex and identity crisis constantly try to identify the new cool and blend and smile and wave and smile and wave and smile. Identifying the "cool" gives them a chance to seek an identity and establish dominance among the peers, an identity which they cannot earn by the sole strength of their character and personality. 

Who is a cool person?

Cool is how you carry yourself through this thing we call LIFE

Achieving cool is embracing your own personal style with confidence. No rules apply to personal cool. Always keep in mind - Showing off is the fool's idea for glory!

cool person, cool guy, super cool

COOLNESS REALLY COMES FROM WITHIN. It doesn't matter who you are or whatever you do, you should just feel confident. "COOL" people never let their insecurities eat them up and are not afraid to be who they truly are. 

A cool person is someone who truly likes and respects themselves and the people around them. Cool is being unique in your way. It’s knowing the difference between right and wrong. And when you make a mistake, have the courage to admit to it. 

They are also very awesome, nice, wicked (in a not evil way), good, great, not warm/not cold and just okay (not mean, but not nice). Cool people can also be stylish and positive. And they are not afraid to express themselves (in a non-offensive way). 

They have total faith in themselves and are not afraid to show their sensitive side. Like, if you want to cry your eyes out, go for it. It’s human. 

Cool people are also similar to a beautiful soul. Meaning: they light up the whole room with their presence and they’re literally beautiful from the inside out by simply being who they really are. 

Weird, quirky and funny people can also be cool too. Creative people are also cool people. Never forget that being different also makes you cool. 

What I mean to say is that there is not literal definition for cool it's all subjective. Be you.


Many people consistently focus their time and energy on getting things that won’t make them happy – to the cost of the simple but important factors: Friends, family, meaning and fun. 

Ask yourself this: How much of your time is spent doing things that make you or other people happy? And how much racing the other rats in the maze? 

So, just live the way you are. You are COOL. 

be, you, yourself, don't care


Start being yourself! Start doing things which make you happy. Be passionate. It doesn’t matter what it is. Stop caring what other people would think. Embrace your insecurities and people will embrace you.  



  1. Someone had to put it out there :) I'm glad it's you.

  2. Mashaekh Hassan28 May 2021 at 03:15

    Indeed a thoughtful and throught-provoking piece. Would be helpful to many, especially to the ones struggling with low to no self-esteem. Loved every bit of it.

  3. Really great bro. 'For someone living a closed life, someone with 200 friends dying to wish him birthday at 12 AM may be cool. ' loved this one

  4. THIS IS SO "COOL" ;)


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